A visitor on your website can be your next case if you build a connection with them at the right time. Studying years as an attorney and running your firm comes with new challenges. 54% of customers ignore responses that take more than 2 days.
You need a faster solution!
A live chat feature on your law firm website could give you a leg up on your competitors. Offering assistance and interaction from the moment someone visits your website. Also, ai chatbot is also available at Liveadmins.
According to ranking.io, only 6% of law firms use live chat services on their website. It gives you an edge to increase your conversions through marketing automation. Many people see a choice between chatbots and live chat, but both of them can coexist on law firm websites.
Live chat for law firms allows forging connections with prospective clients in real-time. Getting contact information from those seeking legal help and passing it to your law firm. Live chat is beneficial, but finding what works well for you and your prospective clients is key.
Why aren’t more lawyers using live chat?
Lawyers are reported to adopt fairly slow live chat for their websites. According to Clio’s research, 68% of lawyers want to communicate over the phone”
● Unsure of technical requirements of live chat solutions
● Prefer talking by email over the phone or call
● Don’t want to hire extra staff
Other reasons include protecting client information and handling sensitive information. Live chat is still an untapped potential for many firms to boost lead generation and also understand visitor behavior.
How live chat for law firms can grow your business?
Live chat service is a proven lead generation machine yet a manageable addition to your law firm. If combined with chatbot it gives prospects instant replies to FAQs. Here are some of the reasons why live chat can grow your business:
- Instant engagement: Live chat ensures instant response to queries as soon as a prospect lands on your website
- Filters inquiries and inbound calls: Live chat filters out common queries through form responses or online guides. Hence, the inbound calls you receive are ready to book consultations and likely to become your next client.
- Helps you stand out: When users find live chat on your website, it leaves an impression that this firm genuinely cares about helping people find quick support.
Prompt assistance and improved communication allow lawyers to engage in meaningful conversations. It is reported that conversion rates are improved by more than 30% by offering efficient and convenient communication channels.
Preview Live chat on your website with LiveAdmins chat services.
How can Live chat improve Law firm website visitors?
Live chat is no doubt a valuable asset for any business. According to CrazyEgg, 38% of clients are more likely to buy if the company offers live chat. People used to rely on sales inquiries or sales calls. But today, people check the website before deciding whether to purchase any product/service.
Effectively triggering can turn into a stepping stone for a successful business. Even if you are the highest-ranked law firm, an active prompt on your website speeds up the business. Knowing that you are chatting with a human gives you trust and builds confidence in the conversation.
Around 63% of customers tend to go back to the website that offers live chat. When a customer returns, it indicates a good experience. This is the golden opportunity to convert them into your customers. It will give:
● Permanent customer engagement
● Clear standpoint
● Speeds up conversion experience
Make sure to consult and send offers according to the client’s preferences. Returning clients are assets for any business and resources to increase conversion rates. More sales and conversions are directly proportional to customer satisfaction resulting in client awareness. Satisfied customers increase the chances of conversions. It allows you to focus on legal work while securing new clients.
According to Zoho, 43% of businesses claimed they had a better understanding of their clients within a year of using Live chat. Implementing new strategies while managing busy law practice can be challenging.
Solve Low Conversion Rates Problem with LiveAdmins Chat Solution.
Live chat is the first step of your customer journey touchpoint. By following up a live chat with a call or email, you cement yourself in the memory of your potential clients, making them more likely to return when they decide to hire a lawyer.
Ethical regulations for Live chat in the Legal Industry
Companies offering Live chat for law firms should follow strict rules that lawyers work under. The conversations should be strictly private, professional, and safe. Make sure to look for companies that are professional in communicating properly without causing legal problems for your firm.
One of the important aspects is privacy. Companies should strictly follow and store sensitive client messages and data that adhere to privacy laws. Data encryption is one of the best methods to protect against cyber attacks.
What does Live chat mean for your Law firm – Bottom Line?
After discussing the benefits and statistics, you are still confused if a live chat solution is right for you or not. Let’s see it this way;
Your website attracts about 200 visitors per day. Around 40 of those visitors are with your office. Approximately, 18 of those people will contact you during business hours (9 am-5 pm). The other will contact you during the evening, midnight, or early morning. Let’s evaluate this situation WITH and WITHOUT live chat solutions.
Without Live Chat:
● 200 unique visitors come to your website every day.
● 40 of them decide they want to learn more about your business.
● 20 calls to your office, only 12 calls during business hours.
● 20 consider filling out the contact form but only 2% do
Without a live chat solution, you only engage with 6% of site visitors at the moment when they are interested in your services – and that’s if your office can respond in time. Most people will move on if they have to wait longer than 45 minutes – let alone 5 minutes – to hear back.
With Live chat:
● 200 unique visitors come to your website every day.
● 40 of them decide they want to learn more about your business.
● 20 calls to your office, only 12 calls during business hours.
● 20 consider filling out a contact form or engaging in Live chat.
● Since 73% of customers prefer live chat on websites, 14 engage and conversations begin.
With professionally managed Live chat agents, you can make personal connections with 13% of your site visitors when they are feeling receptive – more than 2x your conversion rate.
Set yourself up for success with LiveAdmins Live Chat Solution Today!